
The Ladies of Trinadad & Tobago: Predictions

Looking good ladies. This is the perhaps the best video Goal.com has produced yet. Isn’t it better than seeing Alexi Lalas do his The Sitter pieces? I’d say so. And I like Lalas, but here the interviewer has chosen well.

I’d like to see more of these types of interviews. As in, what do the ladies think of their national teams. Maybe Goal.com can make this a running program, interview the ladies of various countries during the World Cup in South Africa. It would be a sure fire attraction to their website

In the video below the ladies give their predictions for the United States versus Trinadad & Tobago qualifier. Looks like they were right on the money, as the United States pulled out the victory via a Ricardo Clark strike from longe range. As far as the keeper, which one women said was terrible, I don’t think he was to blame for the goal.