Marcus Hahnemann Grab

English Premier League goalkeeper Marcus Hahnemman with the save. This is his own player mind you, but you’ve got to get to the soccer ball no matter what, even when it’s too close for comfort let’s say. Marcus Hahnemann will grab your private parts to make a save if he has to!

Hahnemann, who throws his jersey to the fans after every game, paying for the jerseys for a period of time himself when the team said they wouldn’t pay for the jerseys anymore. Smartly, their sponsor stepped in and said they’d pay for the jerseys – you’d think Reading would know when something makes sense when trying to build a connection with your fans, the sponsor Kyocera did at least.

Marcus Hahnemann rides his bike to work and lives in a house built in the 18th century. visits the MNT goalkeeper at his home in England’s midlands.