
Robinho’s Nike Write the Future Ad

Robinho was an amazing football talent. Nike blew people away with their Write the Future ad, but have suffered so far this 2010 World Cup with the elimination of many of the stars’ teams featured in the ad.

Many are saying the ad is cursed, as Cristiano Ronaldo, Wayne Rooney, Didier Drogba, Fabio Cannavaro, and Franck Ribery are all gone from the tournament. Then of course there’s Ronaldinho, who didn’t even make the Brazilian World Cup squad.

So, it makes sense for them to reemerge with an ad featuring Robinho, whose team is still playing in the World Cup. No pressure though Robinho, your team just can’t lose now. Actually, you just might lose now because you’re in the ad. I wouldn’t count Robinho or Brazil out of any tournament or game of football though. Watch Robinho write the future!