
Ryan Giggs Maze Dribbling Run

One of the best left footed soccer players in the game and perhaps ever to play. Ryan Giggs only seems to get better and better with age, and now he’s the wise one at Manchester United for the great young players like Wayne Rooney and Cristiano Ronaldo to emulate and learn from.

Imagine if Giggs played for England instead of Wales? Surely England would have won another World Cup by now. Also, this Giggs dribbling run reminds you of the dribbling skills of some of the other greats in the game, the salmon runs by Maradona and Messi. In the video, it looks like the defenders know Giggs can beat them on the dribble and back off and back off and then it’s too late and he has dribbled past them.

Watch Ryan Giggs incredible dribbling run and goal in the FA Cup semifinal.

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