by Jaime Osorio The Total 90 soccer cleat is an awesome shoe. First of all I would like to say that from the time you put them on they feel really comfortable! Well on to the technology, the most obvious thing you see on these cleats is the shot shield. The shot shield is great, it takes time to get used to the cleat but once you get used to the shoes you shoot well. Another thing about the cleat is that if the ground is hot then your shoes will not heat up because they are made of kangaroo leather. The kangaroo leather makes the cleats soft which let’s you feet feel comfortable. Well, now let me tell you what I don’t like about these shoes. The shoe laces are not that thick, which makes the laces more susceptible to being torn apart. Another thing is that for these cleats if you have a wide foot then these are perfect but if you have a skinny foot then you might wanna go for something else. Overall these are a great pair of cleats I recommend these for people who want to have accuracy and power that is what these cleats are for. Wayne Rooney is a great example of a player who wears these cleats; he has incredible skills and is a wonderful player overall. Rooney has a powerful shot are always threatening because of his lasers. If Rooney has these then you might want to get these if you are a striker. Well that’s it, and overall I give these a shoes a rating of 8.5/10
Total 90 Laser II Review