At its core, soccer is all about combination plays. It’s about finding teammates and moving the soccer up the field as fast as possible. Pass and move, move and pass. Draw the defenders in and then play the soccer ball quickly to the other side of the pitch where there’s more space. That’s the art of the give and go and beating defenders, as you can see in this Barcelona soccer highlight video. Perhaps nobody in the game find one another and combine like Suarez and Messi. Model your game after these two – how they look for each and other when they get the ball.
a Soccer teams have tried to corner the Kings of Possession football and snare them in a trap, but no matter how big the net is, Barcelona manage to wriggle out of trouble. There’s no better team at exchanging, short, quick, incisive passes in a small space. One-two here, one-two there, it’s like watching an illusionist escape a straight jacket. If you want your youth soccer team to perfect the wall pass or give and go then master it at a walking pace and then slowly build up the speed for the combination and then add more pressure from defenders. Defensive teams stifling your attacking prowess? Have the goals dried up? Don’t transfer list the strikers just yet. This drill from the Nike Academy should help architect a change in fortune For more technical advice visit Coerver Coaching. Stoke City under-15s demonstrated the football training drills. |
Master Technique: Soccer Combination Plays