Dodge Soccer Ball

Barcelona Dodge Ball

If Barcelona plays dodgeball as a warm up game then your youth soccer team can too.

Field size: 30 by 10 yards

Number of players: full team

Age range: 6-8

Description:  Players run from one end of a square to the other end while two players with balls at their feet try to hit them with a soccer ball below the shins – not striking the ball too hard but passing the ball at their targets.

The last player who avoids getting hit wins the game.  Players with the ball, who will be trying to hit other players with the ball, stand along the side at about the halfway point.

This is a good warm up drill for the players trying to dodge the ball, as it gets players running from one of the playing area to the other. It also helps players with cutting and avoiding defenders – it helps with their general agility, and of course it’s fun.

For the players trying to hit other players, it’s a good way to get players used to aiming and trying to hit a target.

Later, you can change this drill to players dribbling the ball and players try to knock the player’s ball out by hitting hit from the side.

Equipment needed: Cones and practice vests.

Barcelona playing dodge ball as a soccer warm up game.

Another dodge ball like game that looks pretty fun from Liga side Club Deportivo Leganes.

And a bit more intense game of soccer dodge ball.