Great soccer passing is what creates the oohs and aahs from fans. Passing in soccer makes the game beautiful. Quick one and two touch passing – this is how you play the game of soccer. The key thing is to know what you want to do with the ball before you get it. Or, at least have a few ideas or options of where you like to play the soccer ball. As a teammate, always be ready and want the ball and think of what you can do when you get it – where can you attack the other team and play the ball.
Manchester City 52 Pass Sequence Before Scoring This also requires your teammates to make the right runs and offer support. So your whole team has to be on the same page or understanding. It requires everyone to work together and want to help each other out. You want to make your teammate look good. However, in order to pass the ball like these players must have perfect touch on the ball, know what they are going to do with the ball before they get it (or at least have a few ideas in their head already, looking around before the ball comes to them), and players have to make runs off the ball, otherwise there’s nobody to pass to and the defense doesn’t have to do anything. Let’s look at the art of passing in football. Next: Learn more about passing and crossing on these pages: the stock ball, crossing the ball, two touch soccer, play the way you’re facing, and passing standards. Arsenal are known for their slick passing style, and these awesome team goals prove just that – but which is your favorite? Here are five of Arsenal’s best team goals. Chelsea midfielder Jorginho shows you how to make the killer pass. He knows what he wants to do with the ball before he gets it – he has an idea of where he wants to play the ball if it’s on. The forward, Tammy Abraham, makes the run and Jorginho bends it in to his path perfectly. When should an assist be worth more than a goal? Probably with this pass.
Great Soccer Passing