Field size: half field or sixty yards Number of players: Six versus six or eight versus eight Age range: 14-16 Description: The offensive team goes to the big goal and the defensive team tries to score on the two small goals. Offensive team tries to get the ball out wide and get some crosses in and attack down the middle with give and goes. The key is to move the ball quickly, and get the ball to the player with the most time and space and with the best change to score or setup another player. The team attacking the small goals can shoot or pass the ball through the cones from anywhere on the pitch. Start out with defense versus offense with the defense going to the two small cone goals, which are about five yards wide. Instead of just clearing the ball away, the defense tries to counter attacker and score on either side of the field through the two small goals. Going to big and small goals gives both sets of players a chance to go to goal, even if it’s a small goal for the defensive team. And by going to two small goals, at the corners of the half way line, the defense gets used to breaking out wide and starting an attack. Equipment needed: Cones and practice vests. Another good drill. This is a fun game using 4 goals. The emphasis in on possession and a "One Touch" finish. It can be modified for players at all skill levels and age groups.
Half Field Game to Big Goal & Small Goals