Field size: 20 yards by 20 yards Number of players: 3 in each group Age range: 10-12 Description: Two players stand about fifteen yards from one another with one player standing in the middle. The two players on the outsides try to head the ball over the player in the middle. If this player in the middle wins the ball then the player who made the error switches places with the player in the middle. See how many (head) passes the players on the outside can connect without the player in the middle getting a touch on the ball. Player in the middle can jump but can’t get too close to the other players. This player must stay in the middle area and stay about five yards away from the other players. If players on the outside get ten head passes in a row then the player in the middle stays in for another round. Focus on using the right technique, hitting the ball with the area of the head just above the forehead and keeping your mouth closed when you head the ball. Bend your legs slightly and snap your upper body towards the ball and push your head and neck forward. Later, see if the players on the outsides can head the ball up to themselves and then head it back over the player in the middle. So, head the ball to themselves, sort of control it, and then head it back to their teammate, and over the player in the middle. Equipment needed: Cones and practice vests. |
Heading Over Man in the Middle