How to play soccer marbles?
Field size: 30 yards by 20 yards
Number of players: full team
Age range: 6-8
Description: The team starts off by dribbling around in a square while two designated shooters have balls at their feet and try to knock out or hit the other player’s balls out of the square with their ball.
If he or she hits a ball then they too try to hit another player’s balls out of the area. They become a shooter.
The drill works both on dribbling and shooting and passing – as the players try to hit the ball with theirs. Have dribblers focus on keeping the ball close to them as well as getting their heads up. Players can shield the ball with their body while they are dribbling so they don’t get hit by another player’s ball.
The last player of the players who started out as a dribbler wins the game. You can also have it to where if your ball gets hit then you go out of the square right away rather than become a player who tries to knock other players’ balls out of the square. This will give your players a little more room to work.
Equipment needed: Cones and practice vests.