Via Nike Soccer: Masters shooting accuracy in your soccer training. The first week is designed to work on your shooting technique and accuracy through a series of elementary ‘stop and shoot’ drills that allow you time on the soccer ball. This is the first step in lethal finishing.
Drill 1– Stop and Shoot (Easy). Pass. Return. Touch. It’s simple and crucial. Drill 2– Stop and Shoot (Medium). Move, receive and shoot. Keep the rotation going and keep hitting the corners. Test yourself and perfect your technique. Think you’re ready? Take The Torres Challenge!
Think you’re ready? Take The Torres Challenge! Download the PDF for details on sets, reps and rest. You can also visit for the first week of Master Accuracy plus the latest from Nike soccer. Unlock Elite Training at… and gain access to the full Master Accuracy program. Learn more soccer training drills at Coerver Coaching. |
Nike Soccer: Master Accuracy Training: Day 1