Field size: 30 yards by 20 yards Number of players: full team; at least two players Age range: 10-12 Description: First player starts with the ball and makes a pass to the other player who stands about ten yards away. The receiver controls the ball and then tries to fake or beat the defender and score on one of two small goals, which are about ten to fifteen yards apart from each other and about two yards wide. Focus for the attacker is trying to get the defender to go one way and the attacker taking the ball the other way. For the defender, they should try to force the attacker in one direction and or make the attacker use their weaker foot. The attacker should disguise what they’re trying to do, whether it’s a drop of the shoulder like you want to go one way or a cut to one side and then going in the other direction. The attacker wants to lull the defender to sleep and then explode past them and the defender wants to keep the attacker in front of them and contained. To score, the attacker has to either dribble through the goal or set of cones or pass the ball through. To start, have the attacker try to dribble cleanly through the goals to earn a point. If this is too hard, then have the attacker pass the ball through Equipment needed: Cones and practice vests. |
One Versus One to Two Goals