Field size: Sixty yards with a twenty yard channel from the half way line to the goal line Number of players: two groups of players, from two to eight players in a group Age range: 10-12 Description: Both groups are in the center circle with a ball at their feet dribbling around. One team is called out and this team tires to dribble to the end line while the other team tries to steal the soccer ball and or knock it out of the channel – the team that is called out leaves their ball in the center circle of course. Players can’t dribble outside of the channel. If this area is too long, just have players dribble to the penalty box. Focus for this drill is dribbling at speed but keeping the ball close so players can avoid defenders and other offensive players. Have players dribble with their weak foot one round, too. One round, call out all players, and make it just an all out race to the end line. If you want to limit the number of players dribbling at a time, have the two groups number off, and you can call out those numbers and have all of those players race. Specify before the game begins that one group will be chasers while the other will be dribblers. Extra: It’s a good idea to have every player bring a ball to practice, especially when you’re going to do a drill like this or a lot of ball work. Players should all have a ball anyway, so they can work on their own at home. It’s been said many times that great players are created not by what they do at practice but what they do on their own time. Equipment needed: Cones and practice vests. |
Race to the End Line