Improve Your Passing & Movement

Soccer Passing Drills

How do you improve your movement and passing in soccer? This soccer drill helps you work on your passing skills but also think about where your teammates are on the field. If you watch Barcelona’s Xavi, he always plays with his head up and looking around to see where his teammates are on the field and where and when they want the ball. Xavi has an idea where he wants to play the ball before he gets it.

Barcelona: It’s All About the Passing Triangle

This soccer drill from Coerver Coaching is all you need to master Xavi’s quick-fire combination play. Soccer passing movement is crucial to not only keeping possession of the ball but help your team find that killer pass that leads to a goal scoring chance.

Train your soccer team to stick to the passing game when the pressure is on, courtesy of this drill from the Nike Academy’s assistant coach, Matt Wells. Keeping possession of the soccer ball is all about players moving to support one and another.

While Xavi is an amazing passer of the ball he couldn’t make those passes if his teammates didn’t move and react when he has the ball and before he get it. Players have to make runs off the ball to open up spaces and offer support.