
Soccer Stars Fascination with James Dean

World class football stars love James Dean: David Silva, Lionel Messi, Ashley Cole, Samir Nasri, and Franck Ribery all seems to have great admiration for the actor James Dean, who died at just 24 years old in a car crash after making only three films. Or at least these soccer stars have enough admiration for him to wear his face on a t-shirt or sweatshirt.

Or it’s just a trendy James Dean t-shirt that someone game them…it does look cool I have to say, on a few of them. Although I haven’t yet seen David Beckham with a James Dean t-shirt he has said that Dean was an idol for him.

James Dean, most famous for the movie “Rebel Without a Cause”, is now a cultural icon representing a sort of going your own way, rebel attitude. What’s interesting is all these soccer players are incredibly skillful on the soccer ball and creative, attacking players – even Ashley Cole, a defender, loves to get into the attack.

What’s the connection with Dean though, is it cool new shirt to wear? For me, I’d say Messi wears it best and fits the part, especially with all the fans trying to get his autograph. But then look at Ribery, scar on his face and the media harassing him….he’s the true rebel.

Former Arsenal player Samir Nasri wore his James Dean shirt when he signed with Manchester City.

There was a time when Ribery was in trouble for sleeping with an under age prostitute and the media hounded him. Ribery didn’t have anything to say to them.

I want a t-shirt of fans trying to get autographs from Messi while he wears a James Dean shirt. That would be cool. Below is a very calm Lionel Messi wearing a James Dean T-Shirt.

While doing a Christmas video for Manchester City, David Silva wore his James Dean sweatshirt.

Chelsea’s Ashley Cole looks like he’s on the verge of getting into a fight wearing his James Dean t-shirt.