Seattle Sounders Fan Brings Pizza in Bag

Buying food at the a Seattle Sounders game is expensive, that’s why you bring pizza in a ziploc bag to snack on when you get hungry. I think this will start a trend: everyone will start bringing slices of pizza to Sounders games – well, at least ironically. How about if you bring a slice of pizza in a bag you get a free beer!

I wonder where the pizza is from? It can’t be frozen pizza, it’s got to be from a pizza place in Seattle. Come on, there must be a way to figure this out. The pizza is so good you eat it cold out of a bag….at a Sounders game. Nice catch by the TV camera man, too. To see the pizza bag fan in the stands. Do fans bring pizza in bags to English Premier League games? Don’t think so. Top this EPL!

And here’s a bit closer of a look at the pizza bag. Is her husband/boyfriend asking her why in the world she brought the pizza bag or is he asking for the first bite?