I’m a big fan of the Sounders organization, and amazed at the number of fans that have already purchased season tickets, but usually I like professional sports owners who take a back seat. However, maybe all this is good for the MLS? I don’t know just yet. Does the Price is Right host know what he’s talking about and doing? Is Carey the new Mark Cuban? I love Cuban’s passion and sideline intensity for the NBA, but I’m not sure if Carey has that. I just don’t picture him working out before a Sounders game as Cuban sometimes does before a Mavericks game. Cuban wishes he could play, Carey just wants to watch. That’s fine, and it seems like Carey’s a passionate fan of the MLS and soccer, but maybe in more of a new hobby type of way, which can burn out pretty quickly. Here he talks about how developed a passion for the game of soccer and his goal to implement the Barcelona structure where the club members vote the GM or President on. The Seattle Sounders are going to be a winning club because they have a strong history of soccer in their community, not so much because of Carey – he might give it a good Hollywood help though. We’ll see. Is he Cuban or a buffoon?
Seattle Sounders Owner Drew Carey