Speed Test with Cristiano Ronaldo

Speed Test Cristiano

Who’s the fastest soccer player in the world? Just how fast is Cristiano Ronaldo? Surely, with the soccer ball at his feet Cristiano Ronaldo might be one of the fastest players in the world, but I’m sure Messi would give him a good run for his money. Can we make that happen? A race between Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi with the soccer ball….and then without.

Cristiano Ronaldo quote: “It gives me the happiest feeling in the world. I just love scoring. It doesn’t matter if it’s a simple goal from close range, a long shot or a dribble around several players, I just love to score all goals.”

Actually, I think I’d put my money on Messi with the ball and Ronaldo without it. But remember, to beat a player on the dribble it’s all about the change of pace, slow and then fast to catch the defender off guard. Sucker the defender in and then blow past them. It’s not necessarily about how fast you are it’s about catching the defender off guard with your change of pace.

Watch Cristiano Ronaldo’s speed test in the video below.