When Thierry Henry wakes up in the morning and looks out his window at the New York City skyline, he feels pretty damn good. However, when it’s a Champions League day, or Arsenal have a big game, his mood sours. He thinks to himself, did I leave the English Premier League too early? Henry has been on a scoring tear of late for the New York Red Bulls, and there’s no question he could be scoring for Arsenal in the EPL. He was so eager to return to top flight football that he went on a loan spell at Arsenal during the MLS break, only to return for pre-season and miss out on Arsenal’s Champions League games. Despite the wonderful life Henry must lead in New York, and his more than generous salary, I’m betting he’s saying to himself he came over to the MLS a few years too soon. Either way though, he’s taking his anger out on oppossing MLS teams, scoring nearly at will from free kicks to breakaways. Oh yeah, he’s also taking his anger out on corner flags. Henry Scores & Kicks Corner Flag
Henry Free Kick
Did Thierry Henry Leave Arsenal Too Soon?