Field size: 30 yards by 10 yards Age range: 10-12 Number of players: full team, with at least eleven players working at one time; split into two groups if you have 22 players Description: Three grids ten yards by ten yards with three players in each grid trying to keep possession. Two defenders start at the top of the grid and sprint down to the first grid and try to win the ball from the first three players in the first grid. Once they win the ball, or kick the ball out of the gird, they move on to the next grid to try and win the ball and then finally on to the last gird. Defenders should pressure the offensive players as hard as they can and win the ball as fast as possible. Rotate defenders after each run through. This is an exhausting exercise for the two defenders. Players keeping possession must get their heads up and be prepared for the two defenders. Sometimes it seems easy just to keep the ball until two defenders come rushing at you at full speed. This is also a good fitness drill for the defenders. Time the defenders and see which group is able to dispossess all three groups the fastest. If the offensive players can connect ten passes then the defenders have to go again or you add on a minute or a period of time. Feel free to open up the grids and make them a little bigger if the drill is too difficult for your players. Equipment Needed: Cones and practice vests. |
Three Versus Two Chasing