U.S. Women’s Soccer Team New PR Manager

Rainn Wilson Soccer

Rainn Wilson, star of the TV show the Office, in a new run of ads for Nike Soccer, plays PR manager Jim Mike.  He’ll do whatever it takes to get the women’s national team more press. Not sure if this is a good idea for the women’s national team. He’s got energy though. And enthusiasm. Spirt. Did he play much soccer growing up though? Does he know the sport? The beautiful game. Watch the new women’s soccer PR manager Rainn Wilson in the ads below.

Part 1: [yotuwp type=”videos” id=”yXRyAmWp3pM” ]

Part 2:[yotuwp type=”videos” id=”GGz7qzxBfkw” ]

And Part 3:[yotuwp type=”videos” id=”4tWOmAnZAMA” ]