Sergio Ramos Penalty Miss Hits Felix Baumgartner

Sergio Ramos Penalty Miss Hits Felix Baumgartner

Ramos penalty miss goes into space! This is from a while back, but it appears that Sergio Ramos‘ penalty kick miss in the Champions League semi-finals against Bayern Munich, ended up hitting Felix Baumagartner as he readied himself to jump from space. Hilarious. Take a look. If you’ve missed a penalty kick before, at least you can say you didn’t miss this badly. And what joy this Ramos miss must have brought to Barcelona fans.

I wonder if Ramos will take an penalty kicks now for PSG, you know, what with Neymar and Messi happy to setup and take them for the team.

Real Madrid defender, Sergio Ramos, hits Felix in space with his epic penalty kick miss!