Why buy a Coerver Coaching product? If you know our website you know we love the Coerver Coaching method and the training and coaching tools they offer to players and coaches of the beautiful game. We think Coerver is the best soccer training and coaching DVD on the market and crucial for the development of all young soccer players. Now, Coerver also has online versions of their coaching and training methods.
Buy the Coerver DVDs or get the online version here.
It gives youth players a solid foundation to build upon, from all the dribbling moves to the turns to the speed training exercises. If you want to reach the highest level in the game, learn the Coerver method, it will help you get there. It’s the one soccer coaching method that’s focused on the ball itself, and learning to master it.
So, here we have the 17 reasons why you should buy the Coerver Coaching DVDs or their new online streaming version of their soccer coaching tools. Coerver is now the Netflix of soccer coaching and training!
17) Dutch and Bayern Munich winger Arjen Robben learned from the Coerver Coaching as a young soccer player.
16) The Coerver Coaching method gives you a great foundation as a soccer player as it’s all about fundamentals and learning to master the soccer ball.
15) You’ll always have the DVDs to refer to whenever you want to master a move.
14) If you learn all the Coerver moves and turns you’ll be a successful soccer player when you’re older. There’s no question they will make you better.
13) It’s simply the best soccer training DVD available. There’s just nothing better for a young soccer player.
12) German legend and United States national team coach Jurgen Klinsmann endorses the Coerver method.
11) They’re not that expensive. For under $100 you can get the 5 DVD Make Your Move series.
10) Manchester United Technical Director Rene Meulensteen endorses the Coerver Coaching method.
9) Your control on the ball will be superb if you learn all the moves and cuts.
8) Mastering the Coerver method and the moves will give you confidence as a soccer player.
7) It’s highly likely that you’ll learn all the Coerver moves if you own the DVDs.
6) The moves can be worked on in the gym or on grass – on any surface.
5) Liam Brady, Arsenal Academy Director, believes in the Coerver Coaching program.
4) The moves are just fun to do. Who doesn’t want to learn how to beat defenders and spin away from pressure?
3) If you want to play college or professional soccer why not buy some soccer skill DVDs that will help you get there. It’s a small investment to make that will pay off later.
2) If you train on your own, Coerver is ideal. If you want to go far in the game of soccer then you must train on your own.
1) Simple: They will make you a better soccer player.