Somos Uno – Nike Ad Barcelona
Tight Nike ad for the treble champions Barcelona before they were the treble champions, with Guardiola narrating. Barcelona is a…
Tight Nike ad for the treble champions Barcelona before they were the treble champions, with Guardiola narrating. Barcelona is a…
Nate Jaqua deserves a call up to the United States national team. He last played for the full team in…
Buying food at the a Seattle Sounders game is expensive, that’s why you bring pizza in a ziploc bag to…
Wearable trackers are now the norm in soccer. Heart rate monitors – training load for each player. How much time…
I’m a big fan of the Sounders organization, and amazed at the number of fans that have already purchased season…
In Spain’s match versus Scotland yesterday, a Euro 2012 qualifier, they were their usual cheating selves: Not even letting Scotland…
Mourinho has a huge game coming up, as Manchester United play Inter Milan in the Champions League on Tuesday, but…
The Special One is back on our TV screens- on Setanta Sports- as you’ve never seen him before talking about…
In this episode Jose remembers back to when he told Lampard he was the greatest midfielder in the world while…