
Beckham Free Kick Versus Barcelona

Beckham Free Kick Barcelona
Beckham whips in a free kick against Barcelona. All hats off to Beckham, despite the boos and all the talk about how he should just go home, leave the Galaxy, he is able to step up and score a big time goal in front of 90,000 people. He also nearly setup Donovan on three or four occasions. There is no question that Beckham can still play, and many of his own fans and some journalists seem to ignore that fact.

Maybe it was because many of them didn’t play the game themselves, and didn’t see what Beckham brought to the game. And this free kick will get all the press and attention, but it’s Beckham’s ability to control the game, slow it down when it needs to be slowed, and then to hit the long diagonal ball that can open up the game, that sets him apart from other players.

It will be interesting to see who the Galaxy finish out the rest of their MLS season. Could they fight for an MLS title? I think they might be missing a few more players. Beckham is better playing out wide, and with the Galaxy he has been playing in the middle, and at times tries to do too much. However, with Donovan playing so well, they might just have enough to beat most teams.

Beckham Goal Against Barcelona (Manchester United)

Barcelona fans might remember when Beckham scored against them while he was with Manchester United. The goal is really not that dissimilar to the goal he scored above, just a bit further out wide. Take a look.