
Falcao Doesn’t Think He Should Be Substituted

Sure, we’ve all felt this way during a soccer game when we see are number come up. Nobody wants to come off the pitch. We all want to stay in and make an impact. Sore a goal. Help our soccer team win.

Well, Monaco’s Falcao feels exactly the same when he sees his number put up over on the sidelines. He looks up in disbelief, putting his hand up to his head like he can’t see due to a glare or the sun being in his eyes. Falcao squints towards the sidelines thinking the must be some mistake. It can’t be me it’s only the 63 minute of the game.

Finally, Falcao trots over to the sidelines and comes off with no big dispute. I’m sure he was just having a bad game and that’s never when you want to leave the soccer field. That’s exactly when you want to stay on the soccer pitch and make something happen. It’s too painful to have to leave the field and think about how bad you played until the next game. So it goes for Falcao…

What’s funny is Falcao did more or less the same thing when he was taken off the field when he played for Manchester United.