Follow the Snake Soccer Drill

Follow snake soccer drill is about having fun copying another players moves as you dribble the ball.

Field size: Half field or the entire penalty box area

Number of players: full team with groups of three or four players

Age range: 6-8

Three or four players with each player having a ball at their feet and then try to follow the leader, or head of the snake, copying what the first player is doing with the ball.

This is a dribbling drill where the leader might do a stop and go, dribble just with their left foot only, do a step over, and or dribble fast or walk with the ball.  Give players a lot of space or have them go from the end line to the half way line of the soccer field.

Switch out the leader or head of the snake so everyone gets a chance to be the leader.  As a coach, you can call out ideas or give the leader some instructions if they don’t know what to do or run out of ideas. The key is for players to keep the ball close to themselves and touch the ball with each step as they dribble, this way they can cut the ball away from defenders in a real game.

Equipment needed: Cones and practice vests.