German Soccer Coach Joachim Loew Eats His Own Booger

Joachim Loew Picking Nose
German coach Joachim Loew eats a booger during a World Cup match. And I thought his Miami Vice like sweater and jacket look was bad. Eating a booger though…during a game. Come on Joachim!

But eating any booger would be bad, whether it’s his own or not. Actually, eating someone else’s booger would be a lot worse, say his assistant coach’s booger.

And then this is all during the most watched sporting event in the world that comes around every four years. Couldn’t he have just waited until halftime or after the soccer game? Maybe duck around the corner of the bench at least and blow his nose. Loew, what were you thinking…

I guess Loew was nervous. Understandable. Maybe that’s his nervous habit. But he’ll just move on and hope Germany can win the World Cup and everyone will thank you for the good laugh. Thanks coach Low. I feel a little bad even posting this video of Loew picking his nose!

Actually, even if he wins the World Cup people aren’t going to forget this….

As far as the smelling of his armpit during the game to see if he remembered to put on deodorant…? That’s pretty funny. The nose picking is worse. Again, I feel even a little bad posting this, but Joachim Loew should know better and know that during the game there’s always going to be a camera on him.

Plus, every person in the stadium has a cell phone with a camera on it ready to snap a picture or take a video of something like this! Has Joachim Loew commented on this video about his nose picking yet in the German media?