Jose Mourinho eye gouge or poke: Who in the world could have predicted this? Everyone knows that the el clasico is an intense battle. But for Real Madrid manager Jose Mourinho to put his finger in the eye of Barcelona assistant coach Tito Vilanova. Wow. Just wow. And Mourinho knows Tito Vilanova. The Mourinho eye gouge is one of the stranger things you’ll see in sports. Vilanova pushes Mourinho afterwards but he probably should have punched him.
Yes, the scene does look like a Caravaggio painting. An amazing picture and fight during the most famous rivalry in Spain and perhaps all of world football. I’m guessing these two have some sort of history. Mourinho did act as an assistant/translator back in the day at Barcelona. I wonder if he crossed paths with Tito Vilanova or the two have had some problems the past few years in La Liga. Competition like this will lead people to do some crazy things. In the end though Mourinho is turning into a nightmare figure, not the Special One but more like the Grinch – all green and bitter. Don’t know what he’s trying to accomplish by waving his hand like Lionel Messi smells. It’s just low class. He’s just someone who loses a game and reacts like a child. He’s the one who’s supposed to control this team and act in a dignified manner. Instead, he tries to poke the assistant coach in the eye. No wonder Pepe and Marcelo tried to hurt Fabregas and Alves in the games. Mourinho doesn’t have control of his own senses let alone his team. It’s sad to see someone who is obviously so smart and passionate about the game do something like this to someone he knows and has worked with before I think in the past at Barcelona. Perhaps most famous now is the man in the middle of the picture, looking on, Satorra:
The Jose Mourinho Eye Gouge