Messi’s Ultimate Soccer Skill

Messi Hop Move

Who knows how to do the Messi hop move? Coerver Coaching demonstrates one of Messi’s favorite moves. Check out Coerver products at their website.

Lionel Messi is the perfect soccer player! We all love the way Messi plays the game. He is the greatest to ever play the game. We are all lucky to get to see him play the game whenever he steps on the soccer pitch for Barcelona. In today’s soccer coaching blog, Scottish great, John Collins shows you one of Messi’s favorite soccer skills.

With a little hop to the right Messi shifts the ball back to his favored left foot to strike. Messi can do this move in his sleep he’s mastered it so well. Sure, you can try to force Messi to his right but it’s pretty much impossible. Learn how to do Messi’s ultimate soccer skill and play like him as much as possible via Coerver Coaching.

Here’s what Zlatan Ibrahimovic said about Messi’s left foot: “Messi does not need his right foot. He only uses the left and he’s still the best in the world. Imagine if he also used his right foot, then we would have serious problems.” Of course Messi has ton of different skills and ways he cuts with the ball at his feet, but one of his best skills is his soccer IQ and knowing when to run and when to walk.