
Philip Lahm’s Winner Against Turkey

The title of this post was going to be Philip Lahm is lame, as he was skinned down the line for Turkey’s tying goal; beat by the old touch around the defender move – nearly the easiest and oldest trick in the book.

But if there’s anything about the top professional is they redeem themselves and they’re not one to dwell on mistakes. That is the true mark of a confident player and a professional, and Philip Lahm showed that. In truth, Lahm had a remarkable game, his cross to Klose gave the Germans the lead, only for his defensive mistake to let the Turks back in.

However, as this tournament has shown, there’s still time for a late goal, and the power came back on just in time for us viewers to see it. Lahm cut in, his marker failing to the ground, and played a nice one two with Hitzelsperger. At the footsteps of the goalmouth, he smartly slammed the ball into the upper area of the near post as the keeper dove right. Game set match. Turkey, who’d put Germany on their heels with an early goal, fought valiantly throughout.

Tomorrow’s game has a lot to live up to, but I think it will best this one. I’m saying Spain pulls it together and finally gets into a big final – with a high scoring affair. Well, let’s at least hope so.

YouTube doesn’t allow the videos of Euro 2008 to last very long on the site, so unfortunately I don’t have the video, but can take a look at one of Lahm’s past goals. The last time Philip Lahm scored was in the World Cup against Costa Rica. Not a bad strike at all, check it out below.

If there’s a left back you want to model yourself after, Philip Lahm is a good one to follow. Even though he’s small in stature, a part of the shortest soccer players group, he gets into the attack and scores big goals. The Bayern Munich fulback is just 24 years old and has a lot of international games ahead of him.