The Portland Timbers fans stood and cheered throughout their playoff match versus Real Salt Lake, but it was just not to be their day. Real Salt Lake scored a goal early on and a 3 goal aggregate lead was just too much to overcome. The loss hit some Timbers fans pretty hard, like this man below. Who is he? What’s his name? Someone should interview him. Yes, it’s pretty funny to see him cheering and crying, singing and crying, especially with REM’s Everybody Hurts playing in the background, but you have to admire his passion and emotion. Really, you have to love the guy for getting so choked up and letting the tears flow down his face. He loves the Timbers. He loves the game. Plus, I’m sure he had a few beers and the emotions just got the best of him. Let’s hope the Portland Timbers honor this fan somehow – come on, at least Timber Joey can get his chainsaw out and saw off a piece of wood for him, right?
Sad Portland Timbers Fan