Sergio Ramos Celebrates Like a Matador

Sergio Ramos Matador Celebration

Sergio Ramos matador celebration with cape and all: This is the most ridiculous celebration I’ve ever scene. Ramos all of a sudden thinks he’s a matador after Real Madrid beat Barcelona to win La Copa Del Rey. Actually, Ramos wanted to be a matador before he became a footballer, it turns out. Thankfully for Real Madrid and Spain and the bulls, Ramos chose to kick a soccer ball instead of wield a cape.

I was hoping a large and very angry bull, perhaps a bull who supports Barcelona, would come charging out and challenge Ramos with his cape that he seems so confident with. Here’s hoping that Barcelona whip up on Real Madrid in the Champions League and retain the La Liga title and mock Ramos somehow with a cap after they do so. Oh yeah, Ramos then dropped the trophy as Real Madrid streamed through the streets of Madrid on a bus.

From “When you’re young, it is important to have dreams,” he told AS.

“I always wanted to be either a bullfighter or footballer but my mother was a little scared of me becoming a bullfighter. So I opted for football which was less dangerous.”

Watch Real Madrid’s Sergio Ramos matador celebration in the video below. Ramos looks quite young in the video below doing his matador celebration with the cape.

Now Nacho has taken up the Sergio Ramos matador celebration as Real Madrid win the La Liga title. I guess it was Raul who first did the matador celebration when he played for Real Madrid. So Raul passed along the matador celebration to Ramos who then passed it along to Nacho. I’m not even sure if bull fighting is allowed in Spain anymore. But the matador will always live on in the culture and history of Spain. As far as celebrations go in soccer, the Sergio Ramos matador celebration post game has to be one of the better ones.