
Spain Lose to Japan Despite 77% Possession

Spain Lose to Japan Despite 77% Possession

Spain had 77% of the possession in their game versus Japan but lost 4-0! Japan had seven shots on goal in total. Scoring four of those shots gives them an over 60 percent marksmanship. Also, Spain attempted 470 passes and spent over five minutes in the final third. Whereas Japan made 144 passes and only 27 seconds in the final third.

One thing is clear when you watch the highlights of the Japanese goals is the goal scorers are all calm and cool in the box. Moreover, the placement of their shots is just clinical.

Aitana Bonmati nearly scored off a long ball in the beginning of the game but couldn’t get her toe on the ball. Soccer is like that sometimes. If Bonmati scores perhaps that changes the whole course of the game. Look at the image on this post to see Bonmati nearly score for Spain. The ball is just out of reach.

The video below of the highlights flashes to Spanish coach Jorge Vilda as he applauds this exact long ball into the box to Bonmati. It is like Spain knows they need to vary the game and attacks and score goals. To try more crosses and long balls. Yes, possession is good but you have to put the ball in the back of the net.

Japan and Spain were playing to see who’d finish first in the group. Both are through to the knockout round of sixteen already. Might this just be a good wake up call for Spain? It could be but it surely is painful to lose so badly while maintaining so much possession.

Japan took advantage of their chances and demolished Spain 4-0. Check out the top moments and highlights from the game below!

Of course the Japanese men’s team beat the Spanish men’s team in Qatar last years World Cup. Also, Spain’s men’s team lost to Japan with a 82% possession total.

Will Spain decide to alter their possession style of play? Will the famed possession game and tiki taka style of play need to evolve? I guess it depends somewhat on how this Spain’s women’s team, full of so much talent, do in the rest of the tournament.

The Spain possession versus Japan of 77% is really astounding when you look at the score.