Soccer Speed Training Drills

Soccer Speed Training

Speed training drills for those who just want to get faster on the soccer pitch. Let’s learn how to become a faster soccer player by following a soccer speed training program. At the highest level, it’s all about speed of play, whether that’s playing one and two touch soccer or simply beating your opponent to the soccer ball.

Credit for image above goes to Unisport who have a wonderful speed training video you can watch below.

Soccer can be a tough sport to train for. Soccer athletes must have not only an endurance base, but also the ability to sprint at full speed for short distances. Training for soccer speed requires a mix of aerobic conditioning (i.e. distance running) and anaerobic power (sprinting).

A solid soccer speed training program should include speed-endurance, which is the ability to run at top speeds for extended periods of time. Here is a sample three-week pre-season speed training program to help your soccer athletes improve their speed before the season begins:

Soccer Speed Training Program

General Warm-up

1/2 to 1 mile jog

Full Body Stretch

Warm-up Speed Drills

High Knees (3X30m)

Heel-Glutes (3X30m)

Carriocca (3X30m)

1/2 Speed Striders (3X30m)

Week 1

Monday and Friday (sprint speed)

3X30m (45 second rest between reps)

3X60m (45 second rest between reps)

3X90m (45 second rest between reps)

Wednesday (speed-endurance)

Use a 3:1 Rest Ratio (ex. if it takes 30seconds to run 150m, then rest for 1:30 before the 200m)


Repeat the pyramid one more time

Week 2

Monday and Friday

5X30m (45 second rest between reps)

5X60m (45 second rest between reps)

5X90m (45 second rest between reps)

Wednesday (speed-endurance)

Use a 2:1 Rest Ratio (ex. if it takes 30seconds to run 150m, then rest for 1:00 before the 200m)


Repeat the pyramid two more times

Week 3

Monday and Friday

6X30m (30 second rest between reps)

6X60m (30 second rest between reps)

6X90m (30 second rest between reps)

Wednesday (speed-endurance)

Use a 2:1 Rest Ratio (ex. if it takes 30seconds to run 150m, then rest for 1:00 before the 200m)


Repeat the pyramid two more times.

How to Become Faster on the Soccer Pitch

How to become faster and learn how to run faster with a lot of speed is our latest how to video. Today you will learn how to sprint and run faster like Usain Bolt and Cristiano Ronaldo! Watch the video now and learn how to become faster, wether you want to be a faster football player or just lightning fast in general. In this video below JayMike learns how to become faster by asking questions and getting tips & advice from a real sprint coach before racing a real 100m sprinter.

The idea is that the sprint coach will tell JayMike how he can become faster before racing the 100m sprinter. In other words, this is the ultimate tutorial on how to become faster and be able to run with a lot of speed! Learn how to run fast like Cristiano Ronaldo and Usain Bolt? You’ve found the right video!

Make sure to watch and learn how to become faster so you can get past your defenders without them even noticing you. Watch this soccer speed training video below.

Additional speed training articles:

Learn more about speed training over at Coerver. Natural speed is one thing, quickness of mind is another. Alfred Galustian, head of Coerver Coaching, has devised a set of speed training drills to help you harness both weapons.