
Swinging Back and Forth Passing

Field size: 30 yards by 20 yards
Number of players: at least three players in a group
Age range: 10-12
Description: Two players have the ball at the corners of a small square while one player stands at the opposite end running laterally back and forth to receive the ball from the players with the balls at the corners.  Player working should use the right and left foot and knock the ball back in one touch with the inside of their foot.  Players with the balls pass the ball towards the cone in front of them, towards the cone the working player is running towards.  Time the passes so the working player will arrive and meet the ball and not have to wait for the pass. Switch the working player after they have made ten or twenty pass.  Focus on crisp passes with the inside of the foot. Working player should make the pass without turning their hips fully back to the server.