Field size: 30 yards by 20 yards Number of players: full team Age range: 4-6 Description: Assign one player as the tagger or the person who freezes other players. The rest of the players dribble around in the playing area as the tagger tries to freeze players by touching them on the back. Players who are frozen then must hold the ball up over their head and spread open their legs. Other players can unfreeze these players by passing the ball through their legs. Once unfrozen they again start dribbling around in the playing area. If a player dribbles out of the area they are frozen. Players should keep the ball close to themselves when they dribble and get their head up to see what’s going on around them. Get players to touch the ball with ever step when they dribble. Later, try putting in a rule saying players can only dribble with their weaker foot or just with the insides or outsides of the feet. Switch out the ‘tagger’ after each round. Equipment needed: Cones and practice vests. |
Tag Game