Tobin Heath Closed-Space Dribbling Drill

Tobin Heath Dribbling Skills
The greatest women’s dribbler of the ball is without a doubt Tobin Heath. Yes, and that’s in the entire world, Heath has even more skills on the soccer ball than the Spanish and Brazilian players. They are trying to catch up to her but she’s still far ahead of all the other players in the women’s game when it comes to skills on the soccer ball and tricks.

U.S. soccer star Tobin Heath demonstrates how she improves her soccer ball handling skills by performing Closed-Space Dribbling on a daily basis.

One of my favorite Heath dribbling moves is the scoop, but she’s full of an assortment of tricks and dribbling skills like no other women’s professional soccer player. Some even wonder if she’s got some Brazilian blood in her she’s so good with the ball at her feet!

All you need is a bit of space and a few cones or other obstacles to weave in and out of with the ball. If you work on this on a daily basis your control and dribbling skills will vastly improve. Take a look at Tobin Heath’s dribbling skills.

With Tobin Heath, you get the feeling she just loves the game of soccer and is always trying to get better – especially in terms of her dribbling skills. I bet she doesn’t go anywhere with out her soccer ball nearby. Soon she’ll be known as the most skilled women’s soccer player in the world.