Coerver Coaching Youth Diploma

Coerver Youth Diploma

What is the Coerver Coaching youth diploma exactly? Is it for high level soccer coaches only? What will you learn through the youth diploma program? The Coerver Coaching youth diploma course is all about is all about improving the skill of each individual soccer player on the team.

New: You can now take the Coerver Youth Diploma course online!

Basically, the Coerver Youth Diploma is like a coaching license. Yes, if you go through the youth diploma process you can add it to your resume as a coach. Coerver is a well respected program that’s all about teaching you how to develop soccer players with skill and good touch on the ball.

The purpose of the Youth Diploma is to help you, whether you are a professional academy coach, senior or junior youth coach, teacher or parent to plan & deliver more effective youth soccer coaching sessions.

You will learn about the 6 Part Pyramid of Player Development that is the Coerver Curriculum. The Pyramid of Moves breaks down the most complicated actions into simple learnable steps and families. The Coerver Pathway to Soccer Excellence that features graduated pressure training to develop the Coerver Code’s 5 S qualities of skill, speed, strength, spirit and smarts.

And you will discover how the New Coerver® Coaching Session Planner makes your weekly, monthly or even season long session planning a breeze.

The Course will feature many proven, high quality drills & games from Coerver® Coaching’s 30 yr old history in the 4 Lectures and 4 Field Sessions where attendees are encouraged to join in and learn by doing.

The coaching course is for any coach or player of any level. Everyone will take something away from this coaching course, whether you’re coaching youth soccer or college soccer.

Of course the main focus of Coerver is ball mastery and touch on the soccer ball. So most of the Coerver ideas are centered on how you can teach players to improve their touch on the ball and their overall skill level.

Learn more about the Coerver Coaching method.

2 hours of expert training presented by Coerver® Coaching USA Directors
Course materials with drills
New Era Drill Book
Online Coerver® Coaching Session Planner
Coerver® Coaching Youth Diploma Jersey
Coerver® Coaching Youth Diploma Certificate of Attendance
Lunch on both days, breakfast snacks, coffee and Gatorade®
Coerver® Coaching social to share ideas

New: You can now take the course online:

Coerver Coaching’s Online Youth Diploma
Want Soccer Practices That Players Enjoy? You’ll get all this & much more from this coaching course. Take it from the comfort of your home. Don’t delay joining & furthering your education in technical skills training. Instant Access Now!