Higuaín and Dybala Combine for a Brilliant Goal!

Juventus Goal

I mean, how many give and goes or wall passes take place in this goal sequence? Brilliant from Higuain and Dybala. Who needs Cristiano Ronaldo. Juventus manager Maurizio Sarri described Gonzalo Higuain’s opener that set Juventus on course for a 4-0 win over Udinese as a goal of “rare beauty”.

Yes, Higuaín and Dybala should be given two points for this goal. It’s a Barcelona like goal. It’s the art of the give and go. It’s certainly up there for goal of the year in Italy. I think there are four give and goes in this one goal scoring play.

Take a look at this genius passing sequence by Paulo Dybala and Gonzalo Higuain. There are seven Udinese defenders surrounding Dybala and Higuain but this still pull off this brilliant goal. The crowd cheering as this play develops makes it extra special. And if you want to learn how to do a wall pass or give and go, this is how it’s done!


Soccer is a simple game, just play the ball and get it back. It’s what I’ve always liked about teams like Juventus, Real Madrid, Bayern Munich and Barcelona.  These are soccer teams that love to pass the ball. And it’s not just pass, it’s that extra pass that you’re even surprised is made. That pass that’s made when you think ‘oh they should shoot’ but no the additional final pass is what makes it. It’s the pass that allows the goals scorer to walk in and score. Those passes that give the scorer an open goal are the most special goals in all of world football / soccer.

Of course, this wasn’t an easy finish for Higuain to make. The soccer ball was in the air and he had to control it with his chest to volley the ball home.