Soccer Betting Explained: How to Bet on Soccer

Soccer Betting Explained: How to Bet on Soccer

How do you bet on soccer / football? How do you read soccer betting odds? Can you bet on a draw or tie in soccer? Let’s see if we can help you better understand soccer betting. Yes, you can bet on pretty much any soccer league in the world. Soccer is already thrilling of course, but placing a bet on a game does add more of a thrill to any match. It could be picking the winner of the game or picking the player who is going to score or both!

Above image source credit goes to NBC Sports.

If there’s a big derby match coming up between Manchester United and Manchester City you can place a wager on who you think is going to win that game. Or how about an el clasico match, Barcelona versus Real Madrid, you can place a bet on which Spanish side is going to prevail. Yes, betting on soccer has risks, but it does add some more excitement to the game.

Much like fantasy soccer, betting on soccer is growing all over the world. Here’s an excellent video that teaches you how to bet on soccer games. Yes, take caution of course when betting on soccer and use your money wisely. These days there is endless amounts of information to gather about the game, players and your soccer team – however, there are things you just might know enough about – say a player who is carrying an injury before a game that’s not made aware.

Soccer Betting Tips: How to Bet on Soccer

Soccer betting explained by betting experts in this video below.

Soccer Betting Tips: Direct from Las Vegas, TV host Marco D’Angelo (@MarcoInVegas) sits down with soccer betting expert Carmine Bianco (@CarmineBiancoWT) and goes over how to bet on soccer for beginners and reviews some of the basic terms to know when betting.

Some Soccer Betting Terms to Know:

Two-Way / Three-Way Line – The two-way line does not incorporate draws into the line. You’re simply looking to pick a winner. The three-way line incorporates the possibility of a draw into play, and all results are on the table.

Goal Line – Just like the spread in football games, the runline in baseball or the puckline in hockey, the goal line incorporates the final margin of victory into your soccer bet.

Draw No Bet – When two teams are fairly evenly match, you likely won’t get a goal line spread. Instead, you’ll get a PK or DNB option. By taking lesser odds, if the game that you bet on ends in a draw, your wager will be refunded. It’s a “safer” way of betting tight matches.

To Advance / To Lift the Trophy – In the group stages of the World Cup, games may end in a tie. Once we get into the knockout rounds and ties are no longer a viable outcome, there will be two betting options available: Regular Time and To Advance/To Lift the Trophy. If you bet the Regular Time odds, the result that you’re looking for must occur within 90 minutes. If you bet the To Advance odds, your team can win in regular time, extra time, or even penalty kicks.

Asian Handicap – Another “safe” way to bet soccer, which when done right, can be very profitable. Asian handicap lines are expressed as .25 or .75. If you bet on a team that is -0.75, half of your bet goes to them -1 on the goal line and half of it goes to them -0.5. If your team wins by two or more goals, you win both halves of the bet. If your team wins by one goal, you’ll win the -0.5 half and push on the -1 half. If your team draws or does not win, you’ll lose both halves of your bet.

Bianco has been wagering on Europe’s top soccer leagues for the past 13 years but has never sold his picks before. The Prez one of our co-founders at Wagertalk has been betting and winning with his soccer information for years and has finally talked him into joining us.

He’s has studied trends and team analytics for the top leagues such as La Liga (Spain) Serie A (Italy) Bundesliga (Germany) and of course the EPL (England) to pin point +EV spots on such wagers as Asian Lines, Over/Unders, Halftime/Fulltime and Double Result while Focusing on and analyzing depth charts to zone in a few select games each week.

With soccer being the most widely bet sport in the world Bianco can help you diversify your betting portfolio by adding winners to your sports investing bankroll.

More on Soccer Betting Explained:

Make sure to check out our entire “Sports Betting 101”, “Sports Betting 102” series and complete “Sports Betting Tips” library where our team of Vegas handicappers helps educate recreational and newcomers to wagering on soccer games to understand how sports betting works, sports betting terminology, handicapping fundamentals, how to place various types of bets and the different forms of betting and even how to place a bet at a sports book and look like a professional.