Soccer Net Ball Challenge

What a great and fun game to play say after a training session or practice, Soccer NetBall. I hadn’t really heard of net ball before seeing the videos below. But it’s an ideal game to play to work on your accuracy and touch on the ball with a bit of added pressure, since you have to hit the net with the ball and the ball can’t bounce. It gets increasingly harder as you move farther away from the goal.

Also, try using your weaker foot and see how it goes once you get the hang of it with your favored foot. Or try shooting at different angles on the soccer field. It reminds me of playing the cross bar challenge. And you can vary the distance and number of chances you get as you go along.

Netball… The soccer version. Introduced to us by Alex Morgan.

In the game Alex is joined by Beast Mode Soccer founder David Copeland-Smith and USWNT teammate Christen Press.

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Even though Press doesn’t win she has the best striking technique – driving through the center of the ball but stopping her follow through just as she strikes it. Looks like Morgan doesn’t have the cleanest of strikes in this game.

Round 2, this time Alex Morgan is joined by USWNT teammate Allie Long for a shot at the Soccer Net Ball title.

Let’s see who wins!

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