Top Soccer Profile Sites

Create a profile and add your favorite teams and players – you can update this profile and then share it with friends. Here are a few profiles or soccer sites at that we found interesting and helpful.

  1. The first site is by Nike Soccer, click here to check the profile
  2. Clint Dempsey, check out is MySpace profile
  3. Adidas Soccer, visit their profile

MySpace Tips

  • Visit and make an account. As soon as you go to, you will see a log-in form to the right. You can create an account by clicking the SIGN UP! button under this form.
  • Now simply hand over a few details about yourself officially a member. MySpace will ask for your email, first and last name, password, and other personal information. They are not trying to stalk you, they just want to know more about you. By answering these questions honestly and using your real name and most commonly used email address, you make it a lot easier for people to find you. After all, that’s the point of MySpace, isn’t it?
  • “Who I’d like to meet” refers to the type of people you would like to meet, not celebrities!
  • You can change the look and appearance of your MySpace by messing around a bit.
  • When it comes to MySpace friends, quality is better than quantity. Sure, the person with 45349 friends may seem impressive, but how many of those people do you think they actually know personally?
  • Take the time to explore the other features of MySpace. Along with your profile you have a blog, a message board, and a countless number of groups you can join. Take your time and ease into it all as slowly as you need to, and good luck!
