Tevez Goal Versus Manchester

I wonder where he will end up next year. Let’s hope he stays in England. He makes the league even more exiting. Pehaps he’ll end up on the team he’s playing against in the video. Hat tip to Dunord for this article: ‘Undeterred, last Sunday Carlitos took to the pitch at Old Trafford like the little bull that he is. With a potency not unlike that of the young Ronaldo from Brazil (a player he truly admires "even now … always … stick by him through and through") Carlitos managed it once again*: pechito … amague… pared … gambeta … sombrerito … chanfle …goal!’


*Argentinian football for dummies:

Pechito = to trap the ball with the chest; amague = dummy; gambeta = dribbling with a certain ‘je ne sais quoi’; pared = one-two;
sombrerito = to kick the ball over the opponent and retrieve on the other side; chanfle = to strike with the side of the foot

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