Neymar Takes the Snood to Another Level

Neymar Snood

Brazilian soccer star Neymar doesn’t like to be cold. And that’s an understatement. Neymar often plays games in running tights and prefers long sleeved jerseys if it’s cold. But this. This snood is on another level. I appreciate the work that went into creating it. Neymar can barely see! I think he’s got two snoods on, maybe three. And Neymar usually wears his socks well over his knees and up to his shorts. I’m guessing to keep warm.

Wearing a snood is one thing. Wearing a snood in training is one thing. Wearing a snood in a game is another thing. Neymar wearing this version of a snood in training with Paris Saint-Germain sort of tells me he’s going to end up playing for David Beckham’s MLS team Inter Miami. Much warmer all year round. This is a snood on top of snood that would make Dr. Seuss proud.